Detox tea is all the rage these days, and for good reason! Not only does detox tea taste delicious, but it also offers a range of health benefits. But when is the best time to drink detox tea? Keep reading to find out!

What is Detox Tea?

Detox tea is a type of tea-  that is made with ingredients that are believed to have cleansing and detoxifying properties.

These ingredients may include herbs, roots, and spices like ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, and lavender. Some people also add milk thistle or dandelion root to their detox teas.

Detox teas are traditionally consumed for their purported health benefits, which include everything from improved digestion and weight loss to reduced inflammation, increased energy levels, and a boost to the immune system.

While there is some scientific evidence to support these claims, it's important to remember that detox teas are not a magic bullet; they should be consumed as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise.

The Best Time To Drink Detox Tea

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best time to drink detox tea depends on your individual goals and preferences.

If you don't have super specific detox goals, something like Yogi Detox Tea would be a good place to start and can be consumed at any time throughout the day.

That said, I generally recommend drinking detox tea first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or later in the evening after dinner, an hour or so before bed.

Why Drink Detox Tea First Thing In the Morning

One of the main benefits of drinking a morning detox tea is that it jumpstarts your digestive system and helps to "wake up" your body. It also encourages the flushing of all the toxins  and waste that has accumulated overnight.

This can be particularly helpful for people who are feeling bloated or constipated, as the tea may help to ease these symptoms.

Another reason to drink detox tea first thing in the morning is that it gives you an energy boost and can help to improve mental focus, both of which make it easier to start your day on the right foot and stick to a healthy diet- something that is EXTRA helpful for those trying to lose weight!

Why Drink Detox Tea Before Bed

Another great time to drink an herbal detox tea is right before bed, as this gives your body time to absorb the nutrients from the tea and allows you to reap the maximum benefits while you sleep.

Some detox teas (such as lavender and chamomile) actually contain ingredients that are known to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation and restful sleep.

In addition, drinking a cup of detox tea before bed may help you to fall asleep faster and will also provide your body with compounds that will only assist you further in your detoxification WHILE you sleep.

When To Avoid Drinking Detox Tea

While detox tea can be a healthy addition to your diet, there are some things you should avoid when drinking detox tea.

First, avoid adding milk and sweeteners, as this negates many of the health benefits of drinking it. Detox tea recipes can be as simple as this: hot water + detox tea. The end. There's no need to get fancy with it!

Second, avoid drinking caffeinated detox tea (like green tea) right before bedtime or any other that may have stimulatory properties. or you're worried you'll have to wake up all throughout the night to empty your bladder. Good sleep is vital to a successful detox, so be sure to drink your tea earlier in the evening if it has these properties.

Finally, if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, check with your healthcare provider before drinking any kind of detox tea.

Final Thoughts

In summary, whether you choose to drink your tea in the morning or before bed will depend on your individual goals- are you looking for tea for lymphatic drainage? Liver cleansing? Weight loss? Do you prefer that the tea has calming or stimulatory properties? These are things to consider.

So when is the best time to drink detox tea? That's really for YOU to decide but hopefully, after reading this article, you feel better equipped to make that decision. Thanks so much for reading! Cheers!