What's up, party people? In the mood for something a little different to wet your whistle? Try a white tea shot!

These bad boys are a fun, refreshing drink that contains alcohol and are quickly becoming a popular choice with the ladies.

So what is in a white tea shot? Read on to find out!

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What Goes Into A White Tea Shot?

There really is no one specific recipe for this tiny taste bud tickler,  but there are a few common thread ingredients you're likely to see across the many variations.

While a white tea shot always contains some sort of alcohol (typically vodka) it does NOT always contain white tea! Say whaaaaat!? I know! I'll explain shortly...

The common ingredients different white tea shot recipes call for include:

  • Peach Schnapps
  • Sweet n' Sour OR
  • Simple Syrup
  • Lemon/Lime Juice OR
  • Lemon Lime Soda/Sparkling Water

When there IS tea in the mix, some recipes call for sweetened white tea, while others use unsweetened white tea. Talk about variation, right!?

Why Is It Called A White Tea Shot When There's No Tea In It?

The white tea shot is simply an offshoot from its predecessor, the green tea shot- another popular alcoholic drink that also doesn't have tea in it.

The green tea shot's namesake is because of the greenish color given to it by the Sweet almost exactly the same, it only makes sense that the clear, white tea-resembling color would lend to the white tea shot's name as well.

Vodka White Tea Shot

A white tea shot made with vodka is probably the most common and is likely to be a crowd pleaser. It's light, refreshing, and perfect for sipping on a hot summer day... or anytime really!

Interested in giving it a try? Here's a quick and easy recipe for you to follow:

Here's What You'll Need:

  • Shaker Cup
  • Shot Glasses
  • Jigger
  • Ice


  • 1/2 oz Vodka
  • 1/2 oz Peach Schnapps
  • 1/2 oz Sweet and Sour
  • Splash from 1 Can Lemon Lime Soda

The How To For Makin' Your Shots:

  1. Fill the shaker cup with ice. (Note: You don't have to be fancy with an ACTUAL shaker cup... anything with a lid- mason jar, sports bottle/shaker cup, tumbler, etc.- will do.)
  2. Measure out each of the ingredients above with the jigger and pour them into the shaker. (Note: If you don't have a jigger or even know what one is... use a measuring spoon! 1Tbsp holds 1/2oz.)
  3. Place the lid on the shaker cup and give it all ya got for about 15-20seconds. (Think Tom Cruise in Cocktail ;)
  4. Pour your chilled mixture into your shot glass about 3/4 of the way full.
  5. Fill the rest of the shot glass up with a splash of your lemon-lime soda. (Note: for a less-sweet option, choose lemon-lime sparkling water instead.
  6. Down the hatch!

Easy peasy, right? And oh so very tasty too!

White Tea Shot- Substitutions And Variations

Now if the idea of using store-bought Sweet and Sour has your high fructose corn syrup radar pinging, I can assure there are options out there where this nasty ingredient can be avoided, such as Lava Premium Authentic Sweet & Sour.

Otherwise, you could also make your own with simple syrup, lemon and lime juice! So...simple! ;)

The other ingredient you MAYBE could do without is the lemon-lime soda. Yes, I did mention you could use sparkling water in place of it but say you're just not a fan of the fizz or would simply prefer a cocktail with a fresher feel.

If this is you, try THIS spin-off of the above white tea shot recipe that replaces both the Sweet and Sour AND the soda with alternative, perhaps even healthier ingredients. AND... bonus! This version of the recipe gives you enough for more of a cocktail vs just a single shot. You ARE welcome!

Last Call

So there you have it, folks! If you're looking for a new drink to add to your repertoire and have been wondering what is in a white tea shot... now you know! They really ARE perfect for any occasion, from a girls' night in, to pre-gaming for a night on the town, I promise they will hit the spot! Maybe a little TOO well! ;) Cheers!