A hot cup of tea on a winter day, or iced tea on a summer afternoon. No matter the season, tea is always a refreshing beverage choice.

But if you've never ventured beyond green and plain black teas, it's time to step out of your comfort zone and give Earl Grey tea a try.

But what does Earl Grey tea taste like? Keep reading to find out!

What Is Earl Grey Tea and Where Did It Come From?

Earl Grey tea, one of the most popular black teas of all time, is flavored with bergamot oil. Bergamot is a citrus fruit that resembles an orange, and it gives Earl Grey tea its characteristic citrusy flavor.

Legend has it that Earl Grey tea was first created for Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey and British Prime Minister in the 1830s. The tale goes that he was gifted the recipe for this special blend of tea by a Chinese Mandarin after saving his son's life.

Whether or not this story is true, we do know that Earl Grey tea has been around for centuries and is enjoyed by tea lovers all over the world.

What Does Earl Grey Tea Taste Like?

Considering its black tea base, Earl Grey tea has a strong, malty flavor but also distinct citrus notes. It is often described as “floral” or “aromatic” with a hint of bergamot flavor.

The bergamot orange adds a citrusy, slightly bitter, and slightly sweet flavor to the tea that is not overwhelmed by the malty taste of the tea. The flavor is often accentuated by milk or sugar and is often made even more enjoyable with a slice of lemon.

Earl Grey is an incredibly versatile tea and can be enjoyed hot or cold, sweetened or unsweetened, plain or with milk. It pairs wonderfully with scones, pastries, and desserts to create a delightful afternoon tea experience.

Earl Grey is also an excellent choice for adding flavor to recipes, such as cakes and ice cream.  No matter how you choose to drink it, Earl Grey tea continues to be a favorite among tea drinkers and tea lovers alike!

However, if you find it a bit TOO strong for your taste, Lady Grey tea is another option as it is a milder version with a very subtle citrus flavor.

How To Make Earl Grey Tea?

Now that we've answered the question "what does Earl Grey tea taste like?", let's move on to how to make it!

Brewing a perfect cup of this delicious tea is easy peasy. All you need is loose-leaf Earl Grey tea (or Earl Grey teabags), a tea kettle, some filtered water, and a bit of patience.

First, heat your water until it reaches boiling then let it cool for a minute or two before pouring it over your Earl Grey leaves. Allow your tea to steep for 3-5 minutes then enjoy as is or add milk/honey to taste!

Pro Tip: You most certainly can resteep your Earl Grey tea leaves-  not only will you get more servings from the same batch of tea, but the flavor can actually take on a whole new character the second time around.

Health Benefits Of Drinking Earl Grey Tea

In addition to being delicious, there are also many health benefits of drinking Earl Grey tea!

Similar to green tea, black teas like Earl Grey are rich in antioxidants which can help boost your immune system and prevent cell damage.

Bergamot oil has also been shown to have antibacterial properties which can help fight off infection.

So next time you're feeling under the weather, ditch the medicine cabinet and drink Earl Grey tea instead!

Final Thoughts On Earl Grey Tea

I hope this article has helped answer any questions you might have had about what Earl Grey tea taste like as well as how to make it at home!

Now that you know all there is to know about this delicious beverage, I think it's high time you give it a try yourself. Trust me dah-ling, once you take your first sip of steaming hot (or iced!) Earl Grey, you'll be hooked for life! Thanks for reading! Cheers!