You've probably heard of castor oil before. (I mean... you ARE here, right?)

And if I had to guess, you're probably considering buying it for its many purported health and beauty benefits. But you're dying to know, what DOES it smell like?!

In this blog post, I'll be giving an honest review of the smell of castor oil- consisting of both my opinion as well as the opinions of others. Spoiler alert: it's a mixed bag of adjectives!

Some people love it, some hate it, and others just tolerate it because they believe wholeheartedly in the medicinal magic that lies deep within- stinky or not.

While its scent is often described as mild, earthy, nutty, and/ or unpleasant, I personally think castor oil smells a bit like old cooking oil. It's been sitting in the back of your cupboard for years, so not exactly pleasant, but not entirely offensive either.

That being said, there are also some people who claim to love its smell and find it comforting and soothing. Go figure!

The main thing to keep in mind is that everyone's sense of smell is different. What smells great to one person might smell terrible to another.

With that in mind, don't let anyone else's opinion of castor oil's scent deter you from trying it out for yourself!

So, what will your olfactory senses determine? I'm guessing that's yet to be determined, but if you're considering buying castor oil and you happen to be extremely sensitive to smells or have a crazy intense gag reflex, it may be helpful to know- there ARE workarounds that will allow you to experience the benefits of castor oil without having to deal with its potentially off-putting smell.

Here are a few ideas:

  1. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to your bottle of castor oil to mask the scent. Lavender oil is a great option because it has both a pleasant scent and calming properties.
  2. Look for scented castor oils that are already on the market. These products typically use essential oils to mask the scent of the castor oil.
  3. If you're using castor oil for hair growth or scalp health, try adding it to your shampoo or conditioner instead of using it on its own. This will help distribute the scent throughout your hair so that it's not as concentrated in one area.

So there you have it! A brief description of what castor oil smells like and some tips on how to deal with its scent if you end up not being a fan.

Remember, regardless of how you feel about its smell, there's no denying that castor oil has numerous health and beauty benefits that make it worth powering through. So, if you're considering giving it a try, don't let its scent deter you!

That being said, what's MORE important to take into consideration is how your oil is PROCESSED as that will affect how much of its original healing properties remain intact by the time it gets to you.

To learn about the purest form of castor oil and see a list of the Top 5 available on Amazon, check out the article linked below. Your body will thank you for it! Thanks for reading!