For many people, sweet tea is a summertime (or ANYTIME) staple. But if you're gluten-free, you might be wondering whether you too can enjoy this tasty beverage.

The good news is that traditional sweet tea is typically gluten-free. This is because the main ingredients are water, sugar, and tea leaves - none of which contain gluten (as long as the tea leaves are from the Camilla Sinensis plant.

Wait, What IS Gluten & Why Do People Avoid It?

Gluten is a protein found in grains like wheat, barley, and rye. For people with celiac disease, eating gluten triggers an immune response that damages the lining of the small intestine. This can lead to digestive problems, fatigue, and other health problems.

People with a gluten sensitivity or intolerance don't have celiac disease, but they may still experience some digestive discomfort after eating gluten-containing foods.

And while there's no evidence that going gluten-free has any health benefits for people who don't have celiac disease or a gluten intolerance, many people choose to avoid gluten in their diet for general health reasons.

Do Tea Leaves Themselves Contain Gluten?

Tea is a delicious and refreshing beverage that can be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of dietary restrictions... in most cases. There is, however, some confusion about whether or not tea itself contains gluten.

The answer: only some teas contain gluten, while others are completely safe for those on a gluten-free diet. Herbal teas, tea infusions, and any tea that doesn't come from the Camellia Sinensis plant (black, green, oolong, white, pu-erh) you will want to pay attention to.

Another example of a tea that does contain gluten is one made with roasted barley, which is used to give the tea a malt flavor. In addition, chai and matcha are also known to contain gluten.

What To Look For On Sweet Tea Labels

When it comes to sweet tea, most store-bought brands usually use sugar made from cane or beet syrup, both of which are naturally gluten-free.

However, some companies do add gluten-containing ingredients to their sugar products, such as barley malt, so it's always best to check the label to be sure.

Keep in mind that while labels must disclose "wheat" ingredients, they don't have to point out other gluten-containing ingredients such as barley and rye so it may be helpful to familiarize yourself with the other not-so-obvious ingredients gluten could be hiding in if something isn't labeled "gluten-free" and you suspect it.

How To Play It Safe & Avoid Gluten Contamination


This one might seem pretty obvious, but it's worth repeating. Whenever you're buying sweet tea (or any food or drink for that matter) it's always important to read the label to check for gluten-containing ingredients. If you're unsure about something, contact the company directly.


, you can also make your own simple syrup at home using sugar and water. OR

Check out this article on all the different types of HONEY you can use to add sweetness AND additional health benefits to your tea, plus which teas pair best with each honey variety. #LiquidGold

And if honey isn't your "cup of tea", check out the additional article below for a BUNCH of other healthy sweetener and flavoring options.

Final Thoughts

With so many gluten-free sweeteners available these days, there's really no need to give up on the idea of being able to indulge in a glass of sweet tea. If you're looking for a safe bet, stick to homemade sweet tea, otherwise, there are DEFINITELY gluten-free sweet teas available! Just make sure to check the label carefully before purchasing and you should be good to go. With a little bit of research and/or time, you can enjoy sipping on sweet tea with the rest of the world, worry-free! Enjoy!