If you're one of the 40 to 50 million Americans suffering from acne, you've probably tried everything under the sun to get rid of your breakouts.

You've slathered on creams and serums, popped pills, changed your diet, and washed your face twice a day. Cuz that's what the docs say to do, right!? But your breakouts are still going strong!

What about spearmint tea? Could this delicious beverage be the answer to all your prayers?

What is Spearmint Tea?

Spearmint tea is made from the leaves of the Mentha spicata plant, also known as spearmint. This plant is part of the mint family and is native to Europe and Asia. For centuries, spearmint has been used for its medicinal properties.

It's thought to aid in digestion, relieve nausea, reduce inflammation, and has even been proven effective in reducing irritable bowel syndrome symptoms.

Some people also believe that it can serve as a natural remedy for hormonal imbalances, which is why some say it's effective for treating acne.

How Does Spearmint Tea Help With Acne?

Acne is caused by a mix of things, but one of the main contributing factors is free testosterone. This androgen hormone can increase sebum production, which leads to clogged pores and inflammation.

So how does spearmint tea help? Well, it's been shown to have anti-androgenic effects, which means it can reduce free testosterone levels in the body.

In one study, spearmint tea was shown to significantly reduce free testosterone levels in women with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), which is a condition that's often associated with high abnormally high levels of male hormones, such as testosterone.

High levels of testosterone can lead to producing an excess of sebum- an oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands, which can clog pores and contribute to breakouts.

Therefore, by drinking spearmint tea, you may be able to lower testosterone levels, decrease sebum production, and reduce inflammation, two key players in the development of acne.

How To Use Spearmint Tea For Acne

So if you're struggling with hormonal or adult acne, drinking two cups of organic spearmint tea per day consistently for 2-3 months CAN be an effective acne treatment.

You can also incorporate it into your skincare routine by making a homemade spearmint tea face mask.

To do this, simply brew a cup of warm spearmint tea and let it cool to room temperature. Then, use a cotton ball to apply it as a mask to your clean face, leave it on for 10-20 minutes, and wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this 2-3 times per week.

Just make sure you're also doing other things to manage your acne, like washing your face regularly, using topical treatments (such as acne patches) when appropriate, and avoiding trigger foods.

And if you have any concerns about drinking spearmint tea or drinking tea as an herbal remedy for anything, be sure to talk to your doctor first.

Final Thoughts

So, IS spearmint tea good for acne?  If you're suffering from hormonal acne or adult acne, I would highly recommend giving this mint tea a try. Personally, I saw a significant difference in my skin after just ONE month of this tea every day.

Not only did my breakouts clear up, but my dark spots began to fade away as well. Give it a shot and drink spearmint tea! (Peppermint tea and green tea have acne-specific benefits as well!) What do you have to lose? (Except for your acne, that is ;)

And if you don't have spearmint tea on hand, you're in luck as I've compiled a list of the best that Amazon has to offer in the article below. You're sure to find one that suits you there! Thanks for reading and good luck! Cheers!