We've all been there before. You had one too many drinks the night before, and now you're paying for it. Your head is pounding, your stomach is queasy, and you can't seem to shake the fatigue no matter how much coffee you drink.

Sound familiar? If you're looking for a natural and effective hangover remedy, look no further than green tea. That's right, green tea is DEFINITELY good for hangovers—and here's why.

Rich In Antioxidants

Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which help to control free radical damage that can lead to cell death, inflammation, and tissue damage. In fact, green tea contains more catechins—a type of antioxidant—than any other type of tea. And these catechins are thought to be responsible for many of green tea's health benefits.

Improves Liver Function

Drinking green tea may help improve liver function by increasing the activity of detoxifying enzymes. This could help the liver more effectively remove toxins from the body, including those that cause hangovers. Um, yes please!


While alcohol is a diuretic and dehydrates the body, green tea is hydrating and can help to replenish lost fluids. This can help to reduce headaches caused by dehydration. Cuz ain't nobody got time for THAT!

Settles An Upset Stomach

The tannins in green tea have astringent properties that can help to settle an upset stomach and reduce nausea. Tannins in green tea also help to reduce peristalsis (aka contractions) of the intestines... in other words it's an excellent beverage choice if your hangover has you frequenting the toilet. ;)

Boosts Energy

Caffeine is a natural stimulant in green tea that can help to increase energy levels and combat fatigue—two things that are definitely needed when you're dealing with a hangover. Just be sure not to overdo it on the caffeine, as too much can exacerbate anxiety and irritability, both of which are common during a hangover.

Decreases Inflammation

Green tea contains polyphenols—antioxidant compounds that act as natural anti-inflammatories. These polyphenols may help to decrease inflammation throughout the body, including in the brain.

Boosts Immune System

The flavonoids in green tea can help to boost the immune system, which may be helpful if you're dealing with a hangover, as a long night of drinking can leave your body vulnerable to illness.

Improves Brain Fog

The L-theanine in green tea can help to improve focus and mental clarity by increasing alpha brain wave activity. So if your hangover has you feeling a little fuzzy-headed, green tea may help to clear the cobwebs.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are many reasons why green tea is definitely good for hangovers!

If you're looking for an all-natural remedy that will help you feel better fast, make yourself a cup of green tea OR...

Check out the article linked below for a list of the best teas on Amazon (besides green tea) that are also good for hangovers. Thanks for reading! Cheers!