For many of us, black tea is a delicious and refreshing way to start the day. But for those of us who are watching our waistlines, we might be wondering "how many calories are in black tea?"

Not to worry, we've got the skinny on black tea and its calorie content. Read on for everything you need to know about black tea and calories.Spoiler alert: it's not as bad as you think!

How Many Calories Are in Black Tea?

A cup of black tea has about 2 calories. That's it! So if you're worried about adding too many calories to your diet with your daily cup of black tea, rest assured knowing that you're not doing any damage.

In fact, you might even be doing some good, as a recent study showed that people who drink 3 cups of black tea per day have a lower risk of weight gain than those who don't drink any tea at all.

Now, of course, if you're adding milk and sugar to your tea, that will add a few more calories. But even a tablespoon of milk only has about 10 calories, so your black tea is still going to be pretty low-cal.

What About Caffeine?

Black tea does have caffeine in it, so if you're trying to cut back on caffeine, you might want to switch to herbal tea instead. However, a cup of black tea has less than half the amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. So if you're trying to wean yourself off coffee but still need a little caffeine fix, black tea is a good option.

Final Thoughts On How Many Calories In Black Tea

So there you have it—the lowdown on black tea calories. All in all, black tea is a very low calorie beverage. A cup of plain black tea has only 2 calories, and even sweetened or iced teas have very few calories.

So if you're looking to cut down on calories without giving up your daily cup of tea, fear not! Black tea is here to help. Cheers! Now go forth and enjoy your cup of tea guilt-free!