So you've heard of a new tea that has your attention and are now wondering, does ginger turmeric tea have caffeine in it?

The answer is a resounding: NO! But don't get the wrong idea! This seemingly simple tea most certainly packs a punch!

Ginger and turmeric are two of the most potent spices out there, and when they're combined, they make for one heck of a cup of tea. Here's why...

Health Benefits Of Ginger

So, if there's no caffeine in ginger turmeric tea, what are the benefits of drinking it?

For starters, ginger is great for your digestion. It can help to soothe an upset stomach and ease indigestion and heartburn.

And if you're feeling a little queasy, you're in luck- ginger helps with nausea too!

It also helps to increase oxygen delivery to your cells and tissues which is why ginger is known to boost energy levels!

Ginger is also PACKED with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which can help reduce inflammation in the body and keep your immune system strong and healthy.

The list goes on in terms of why ginger tea is worth sippin' on. Feel free to check out more of the MANY health benefits it has to offer as well as see a list of some of the BEST brands available here:

Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Turmeric is also packed with antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties making it great for your skin and joints.

Not to mention, it's been shown to boost brain function and memory!

Turmeric also has been shown to help protect against cancer and heart disease, making it a great addition to your daily wellness routine.

Final Thoughts

While ginger turmeric tea doesn't have caffeine in it, it's still a powerful health bevvy you'd be wise to incorporate into your daily health regimen.

So reach for some ginger turmeric tea next time you're in the mood for a little liquid self-love! Shoot, add some of the BEST honey for tea in there while you're at it! Your mind, body, and taste buds will thank you. Thanks for reading! Cheers!