Feeling like you're in a rut and your libido is nonexistent? You're not alone my friend!

There are plenty of reasons why your libido might be low, (and I recommend getting to the bottom of those reasons as soon as possible) but in the meantime, a libido tea can be a great way to help ignite that spark and get your sexual energy flowing on demand.

Made with a variety of herbs known for their sexual arousal-boosting properties, this libido tea recipe is sure to set the mood and keep you there awhile if you know what I mean!

So, go ahead and drink one of these teas before bed... but only if you and your partner are not ACTUALLY ready to sleep!  ;)

Libido Herbal Tea Recipe

This tea blend is one that will surely increase sexual appetite and supports sexual function- especially for the ladies!

Ingredients PER Cup:

  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1/2 teaspoon honeybush
  • 1/2 teaspoon damiana (dried)
  • 1/2 teaspoon ashwagandha (dried)
  • 1/4 teaspoon nettle (dried)
  • 1/2 teaspoon rose petals (dried)
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Bring water to a boil.
  2. Add all ingredients to boiling water.
  3. Steep for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Enjoy!

*Note: You can also buy this tea blend already done for you here if you prefer.

Other Aphrodisiac Herbs/Teas

There are SO many natural herbs and remedies to increase your sexual desire and even improve your overall sexual performance. Here are a few more herbs that can help in the libido department:

  • Horny goatweed
  • Ginseng
  • Ashwagandha
  • Maca

From stimulating blood flow to the sexual organs to promoting feelings of well-being and relaxation vital to a healthy libido, these 4 herbs work wonders. To read more about them and their gender-specific benefits they have to offer, check out the article below.

Non Herbal Aphrodisiacs

When it comes to aphrodisiacs, herbs and tea are nowhere NEAR the end all be all. There are actually a wide variety of foods, beverages, and MORE that can help to set the mood.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are said to have mood-boosting, stress-reducing, and energy-increasing properties depending on the oil. Once you know which of these factors- mood, stress, or lack of energy- is most greatly affecting your libido, essential oils can be a great natural remedy to help get things back on track.

Dark Chocolate

And what could be more romantic than sharing a box of dark chocolates? But that's beside the point. The cacao bean, which is used to make chocolate, contains a compound that has been shown to increase levels of the “love hormone” oxytocin.

Hot Chilis

Certain chilis contain a substance called capsaicin that increases blood flow and testosterone levels and also stimulates production of your happy hormones. In other words, chilis "stoke the furnace" a tad. ;)

And then there are oysters, which are rich in zinc, a mineral essential for sexual health in both men AND women.

Of course, you can’t forget about alcohol. While too much can diminish libido, a glass or two of wine can help to relax both the body and mind and allow space for intimacy to enter the scene.

Final Thoughts

So next time you’re looking for a little bit of extra help in the bedroom, remember this libido tea recipe as well as all of the other remedies mentioned above.

And if you try a libido tea and it doesn't do the trick, move on to something else! Keep experimenting until you find the thing that DOES. You (and your partner) will be so glad you did! Goodluck and Cheers!